The Maritime Cybersecurity Center (MCC) was created as a result of recommendations from the Southeastern New England Defense Industry Alliance (SENEDIA), along with other leaders in public and private sectors, as a dedicated resource focused on supporting the cybersecurity workforce needs. These leaders called attention to the significant risk from willful threats to electronic connectivity and critical functionality, and identified the need for an independent, not-for-profit organization to focus on cybersecurity excellence and readiness. Our independent, 501(c)(3) not-for-profit status provides a foundation for excellence and commitment to growing cybersecurity knowledge, skills, and capabilities, and developing skilled personnel and growth opportunities for our region.
The Maritime Cybersecurity Center is the foundation from which we will ACT: (1) build Awareness of the cybersecurity problem in our population, businesses, industries, and educational institutions; (2) build Communities of practice for increasing understanding and dissemination of information among these groups and related interests globally; and (3) develop and ready a knowledgeable cyber workforce through robust Training who can identify, avoid and solve cybersecurity problems, and provide a platform for continuous learning and defense in the field of cybersecurity.
Importance of Maritime Cybersecurity
Maritime cybersecurity is shaped by the physical, geographical, political, and demographic characteristics of our planet:

70% of the earth’s surface is water

80% of the people live on the coast or near the water

90% of trade is by water

Nearly 100% of transoceanic data traffic is transmitted under water through undersea cables
The pressing need exists to organize and arm ourselves with the collective knowledge and awareness to anticipate, detect and respond to cyber threats. Collaboration, common understanding and awareness, and effective joint response are key to security, safety and smooth operations.
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities are an issue for much of the maritime industry. While much of the public attention has focused on possible GPS interference, cargo shipping undergirds trade of more than $4 trillion worth of goods for the U.S. annually, according to the World Shipping Council. Such a large figure, combined with invaluable location data, and possible third-party entry points into influential global companies, would entice cybercriminals and state-sponsored hackers alike.